Tens of thousands of Canadians volunteer their time and money each year to make Canada a better place. They join organizations that do great work fighting for social justice, protecting the environment or alleviating poverty. The problem is that the game is rigged. Our political and economic systems no longer work for the people they are supposed to serve. Despite all our effort, poverty is increasing, the environment is deteriorating, and our standard of living is declining. We all know it’s true. We see it incrementally getting worse year after year. For years we have been trying to stop the loss of the things we care about. Gone is the Canada where we build on earlier successes to create a better country. We are on the defensive, and now consider it a success if we keep something we already had. Unless we work to fundamentally change our political and economic systems, all of the things we are fighting for will be lost. There are many causes worthy of our time, and we should not abandon them. However if each of us does not spend at least some of our time trying to change the bigger picture, who will?
Economic Change Political Change